

I stand for “People Before Politics” and that simply means that America comes first. We have to focus on the United States and the problems here at home. We need to close our borders and secure our schools. We need to reform immigration and our education system. We have to find innovative ways to increase SSI for our elderly and those on fixed incomes and reform the VA. We need prison reform in this country as well as restoring Law and Order. I aim to bring manufacturing and call centers to Michigan. We will assist farmers in expansion and help deregulate the industry so that there will be no more hungry Americans in this country. We will reshape the trucking industry as well as the fishing industry by removing excessive regulations. We will start to impose regulations on Big Pharma, Big Tech, AI and other major corporations such as Black Rock and Vanguard. It’s time to preach UNITY and TOGETHERNESS and stop the hate and division that has been created in Washington. We are better than this and we should never let the government feel as though they own us. Now’s the time to stand up and fight for our FREEDOM and our GOD given rights in this country,

Join me on my political facebook page @Anthony Hudson for U.S. Congress, Instagram and Youtube @Hudson2k24 and twitter @AHudson2k24. Together, we have the power to revive America and provide the much-needed hope it craves. Take a moment to reflect on the value of your freedom and your desire for change in this nation. If you yearn for the liberty to live life on your own terms, I urge you to click the donate button and make a modest contribution to my campaign. These funds will enable us to reach your community or a neighboring city, where we can convene and discuss our shared future and our strategies for redemption. Your assistance is vital to this historic campaign and every contribution represents an investment in YOUR future!


Campaign Mgr: Krista Trefz (

Assistant Campaign Mgr: Kevin Duncan (

Personal Assistant: Samantha Simpson (

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The Geri Petito Show

Hamilton Radio, Hamilton NJ

Iron Horse Films, Reuben Rodriguez