“Truckers are the life blood of our country. As a trucker with a passion for doing the right thing, he can deliver what America needs. I support and endorse Anthony Hudson for United States House of Representatives.” Signed, Honorable Kerry Bentivoilio, 113th Congress

“As I looked over the candidates for U.S. Congress District 8 in Michigan, I found myself pondering what is best for me as an individual here in Michigan. When it comes to the people who support the values I have, and he will do what is right for the Michigan people, I had to support Anthony Hudson as my choice for the 8th District. Anthony has the right attitude will and values to fight for the people he is slated to represent. He is a family man with strong convictions on what is right, and how he wants to get Michigan back to the great state it deserves to be, once again. I have had enough of those who only want to line their pockets, put Michigan citizens, and American people last in line for things we are paying for daily. Overseas spending is at a high never seen before, and he knows it needs to stop. Anthony also understands that we need to put Americans, and especially Veterans, at the forefront of taking care of our own first. We need to stop putting Americans behind the illegals, who are killing Americans and getting a pass on the fact that they are here ILLEGALLY! As a resident of Bay City, and a person who has been involved in many public activities such as, the Bay City Fireworks Festival, River of Time and other charity events, and active as a member of the Christian Motorcycle group. I see things from many angles with the people I associate with, in my everyday life. From speaking to Anthony it is clear he is fed up with all of the garbage that is going on here in Michigan, and all over our country. Let’s support a person who believes in WE THE PEOPLE! I know I am going to support Anthony for his bid for our 8th district. I am happy to endorse Anthony Hudson. Help me support Anthony and win his seat in Congress, as every vote will count”! Joyce Olson-Burpee Bay City, Resident

“I fully endorse Anthony Hudson for Congress in MI District 8. Anthony is a working man who understands what needs to be done. Anthony is not owned by elites or corporate interests, but works only for the people. He is the man we need in congress”. Larry Parsons Hartland MI Republican Delegate, LCRP EC & 7th District Committee

“I confidently recommend and endorse Anthony Hudson for Congressional District 8. I’ve had the chance to observe and assess Anthony’s views and plans for the upcoming elections. His sincere, practical, and optimistic understanding of our community’s challenges and requirements, along with his readiness to delve into the issues and attentively listen to the public’s inquiries and worries truly distinguishes him from the anticipated strategies and rhetoric of other candidates. I’m expressing my support for his campaign and my commitment to informing others about the importance of his policies, skills, and passion for our country”. Angela Small, Precinct Delegate, Congressional District 12

“I’m supporting and giving my personal endorsement for ANTHONY HUDSON for U.S. Congress. The most important things that you should know about Anthony is that he’s a TRUE grassroots conservative that stands for conservative values, freedom, border control, & limiting government spending. He has vowed to fight to protect our children from the radical indoctrination of CRT & LGBTQ Ideology. Anthony supports President Trump & is truly compassionate about taking our nation back. He will be the voice for “We The People.” On many occasions, Anthony has spoken out against our governments wasteful spending on foreign wars, & other non-necessity spending. He is deeply concerned & understands that our country is in trouble. He can not be paid off & is the only candidate in this race that has been to the border to actually see the foreign invasion of illegals infiltratiing our country.” Sincerely Londa Gatt, Bikers For Trump Coordinator 2015-Present, 8th District Delegate, Life member of the NRA

“PATRIOTS UNITED proudly endorses Anthony Hudson for U.S. Congress representing Michigan’s District 08. Early voting is 7/28-8/4. Republican primary is 8/6”

“The Bay County Republican Party is thrilled to announce our official endorsement of Anthony Hudson for U. S. Congress in Michigan’s 8th District in the upcoming 2024 elections. Anthony Hudson has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the principles and values of the Republican Party through his active participation with our organization. His steadfast dedication to promoting conservative ideals, advocating for fiscal responsibility, and upholding the rights and freedoms of our citizens has shown him to be the People’s Candidate.” Bay County Republican Party